Dr. Talebzadeh Practice

Dental Implants San Diego

The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) states that the key benefit of dental implants over other tooth replacement systems is that an implant connects directly to the jaw bone. This allows the implant to function the same way a normal tooth does, so you get a brilliant, natural appearing replacement for a lost tooth. Here at South County Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Center, Harvard and UCSF trained Dr. Nojan Talebzadeh works with the rest of our highly skilled and experienced team, offering the latest dental implants and oral surgery techniques to get you the brilliant, natural-looking smile you deserve!

Candidates for Dental Implants:

According to the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS), most anyone who needs to replace a tooth or several teeth is an excellent candidate for dental implants, with the exception of young children who are still growing. Young adults, middle aged adults, and even older or elderly adults who need to replace one, or all, of their teeth can turn to dental implants as an optimal solution. Even those with chronic disorders such as diabetes or high blood pressure (hypertension) can get dental implants. If you are healthy enough to undergo a routine dental treatment, then most likely you can have an implant placed.

Dental Implants – The Procedure:

Only after a thorough examination which will include x-rays can a dental implant be placed. The placement of the implant is usually performed in stages over time to ensure that the implant functions and appears as a normal tooth.
1. Insert Implant into Root:

The first step in the process is inserting a titanium implant into the missing tooth’s root. This step is performed under local anesthesia for the comfort of the patient. Once the implant is placed, the gum is closed and the implant will begin to fuse with the surrounding bone. After the implant stabilizes within the root, an impression of the jaws are made to create a model for the crown that will become the new tooth.
2. Small Connector (Post) Attached to Implant
The next step involves the placement of a small connector called a “post” to the implant placed in step #1. This can only be done after the implant has stabilized within the jaw. Time will then be given for the gums to heal before proceeding to the third and final step.
3. Replacement Tooth Attached to Connector (Post)
The last step in dental implants involves the attachment of the replacement tooth to the “post” connector that was attached to the implant in step #2. This replacement tooth is custom made in the appropriate shape for your specific mouth and bite. This allows for the tooth to function normally in addition to the cosmetic enhancement it provides.

Follow-up check-ups will be important to make sure the area is healing normally and your recovery is going smoothly. If you are interested in dental implants to replace one or more teeth, please contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of San Diego’s top Oral Surgeons – Dr. Nojan Talebzadeh.